Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Document Review In ISO 9000 Standards

Document Review In ISO 9000 Standards
The ISO 9000 Standard requires that documents be reviewed.
Previously the implication was that the review was a
check by potential users that the document was fit
for purpose before it was offered for approval. It
could be construed that for a document to receive
approval it must be checked and therefore ‘review
and approval’ in this context are one and the same
and the requirement is in this instance enhanced
rather than relaxed.
A review is another look at something. Therefore
document review is a task that is carried out at any
time following the issue of a document.
This requirement responds to the Continual Improvement principle.
Reviews may be necessary when:
- Taking remedial action (i.e. Correcting an error)
- Taking corrective action (i.e. Preventing an error recurring)
- Taking preventive action (i.e. Preventing the occurrence of an error)
- Taking maintenance action (i.e. Keeping information current)
- Validating a document for use (i.e. When selecting documents for use in
connection with a project, product, contract or other application)
- Taking improvement action (i.e. Making beneficial change to the
Reviews may be random or periodic. Random reviews are reactive and arise
from an error or a change that is either planned or unplanned. Periodic reviews
are proactive and could be scheduled once each year to review the policies,
processes, products, procedures, specification etc. for continued suitability. In
this way obsolete documents are culled from the system. However, if the
system is being properly maintained there should be no outdated information
available in the user domain. Whenever a new process or a modified process
in installed the redundant elements including documentation and equipment
should be disposed of.
The ISO 9000 Standard requires that documents be reviewed.
Previously the implication was that the review was a
check by potential users that the document was fit
for purpose before it was offered for approval. It
could be construed that for a document to receive
approval it must be checked and therefore ‘review
and approval’ in this context are one and the same
and the requirement is in this instance enhanced
rather than relaxed.
A review is another look at something. Therefore
document review is a task that is carried out at any
time following the issue of a document.
This requirement responds to the Continual Improvement principle.
Reviews may be necessary when:
- Taking remedial action (i.e. Correcting an error)
- Taking corrective action (i.e. Preventing an error recurring)
- Taking preventive action (i.e. Preventing the occurrence of an error)
- Taking maintenance action (i.e. Keeping information current)
- Validating a document for use (i.e. When selecting documents for use in
connection with a project, product, contract or other application)
- Taking improvement action (i.e. Making beneficial change to the
Reviews may be random or periodic. Random reviews are reactive and arise
from an error or a change that is either planned or unplanned. Periodic reviews
are proactive and could be scheduled once each year to review the policies,
processes, products, procedures, specification etc. for continued suitability. In
this way obsolete documents are culled from the system. However, if the
system is being properly maintained there should be no outdated information
available in the user domain. Whenever a new process or a modified process
in installed the redundant elements including documentation and equipment
should be disposed of.

Friday, November 27, 2009

ISO 9000 Standards – Document Approval

ISO 9000 Standards – Document Approval

The ISO 9000 Standards requires that documents be approved for adequacy prior to issue.

Approval prior to issue means that designated authorities have agreed the document before being made available for use. Whilst the term ade-
quacy is a little vague it should be taken as meaning that the document is judged as fit for the intended purpose. In a paper based system, this means approval before the document is distributed. With an electronic system, it means that the documents should be approved before they are published or made available to the user community.

The ISO 9000 Standards document control process needs to define the process by which documents are approved. In some cases it may not be necessary for anyone other than the approval authority to examine the documents. In others it may be necessary to set up a panel of reviewers to solicit their comments before approval is given.
It all depends on whether the approval authority has all the information
needed to make the decision and is therefore ‘competent’. One might think that the CEO could approve any document in the organization but just because a person is the most senior executive does not mean he or she is competent to perform any role in the organization.

Users should be the prime participants in the approval process so that the
resultant documents reflect their needs and are fit for the intended purpose. If the objective is stated in the document, does it fulfil that objective? If it is stated that the document applies to certain equipment, area or activity, does it cover that equipment, area or activity to the depth expected of such a document? One of the difficulties in soliciting comments to documents is that you will gather comment on what you have written but not on what you have omitted. A useful method is to ensure that the procedures requiring the document specify the acceptance criteria so that the reviewers and approvers can check the document against an agreed standard.

To demonstrate documents have been deemed as adequate prior to issue,
you will need to show that the document has been processed through the
prescribed document approval process. Where there is a review panel, a simple method is to employ a standard comment sheet on which reviewers can indicate their comments or signify that they have no comment. During the drafting process you may undertake several revisions. You may feel it
necessary to retain these in case of dispute later, but you are not required to do so. You also need to show that the current issue has been reviewed so your comment sheets need to indicate document issue status.

Identifying and Recording Design Changes In ISO 9000 Standards

Identifying and Recording Design Changes In ISO 9000 Standards

The documentation for design changes in ISO 9000 Standards should comprise the change proposal, the results of the evaluation, the instructions for change and traceability in the changed documents to the source and nature of the change. You will therefore need:
- A Change Request form which contains the reason for change and the
results of the evaluation – this is used to initiate the change and obtain
approval before being implemented.
- A Change Notice that provides instructions defining what has to be changed this is issued following approval of the change as instructions to the owners of the various documents that are affected by the change.
- A Change Record that describes what has been changed – this usually forms part of the document that has been changed and can be either in the form of a box at the side of the sheet (as with drawings) or in the form of a table on a separate sheet (as with specifications).
Where the evaluation of the change requires further design work and possibly experimentation and testing, the results for such activities should be documented to form part of the change documentation.
At each design review a design baseline should be established which identifies the design documentation that has been approved. The baseline
should be recorded and change control procedures employed to deal with any changes. These change procedures should provide a means for formally
requesting or proposing changes to the design. For complex designs you may prefer to separate proposals from instructions and have one form for proposing design changes and another form for promulgating design changes after approval. You will need a central registry to collect all proposed changes and provide a means for screening those that are not suitable to go before the review board, (either because they duplicate proposals already made or because they may not satisfy certain acceptance criteria which you have prescribed). On receipt, the change proposals should be identified with a unique number that can be used on all related documentation that is subsequently produced. The change proposal needs to:
- Identify the product of which the design is to be changed
- State the nature of the proposed change identify the principal requirements, specifications, drawings or other design documents which are affected by the change
- State the reasons for the change either directly or by reference to failure
reports, nonconformity reports, customer requests or other sources
- Provide for the results of the evaluation, review and decision to be

Documenting A Quality Management System

Documenting A Quality Management System

The ISO 9000 Standards requires the organization to document a quality management system in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001. A document (according to ISO 9000 clause 2.7.1) is information and its supporting medium. A page of printed information, a CD ROM or a computer file is a document, implying that recorded information is a document and verbal information is not a document.
Clause 4.2 requires the management system documentation to include certain types of documents and therefore does not limit the management system documentation to the types of documents listed.
As a management system is the means to achieve the organization’s objectives, and a system is a set of interrelated processes, it follows that what has to be documented are all the processes that constitute the system.
While there is a reduction in emphasis on documentation in ISO 9001:2008 compared with the 1994 version, it does not imply that organizations will need less documentation to define their management system. What it does mean is that the organization is left to decide the documentation necessary for effective operation and control of its processes. If the absence of specific documentation does not adversely affect operation and control of processes, such documentation is unnecessary.
Before ISO 9000 came along, organizations prospered without masses of
documentation and many still do. Those that have chosen not to pursue the
ISO 9000 path often only generate and maintain documents that have a useful purpose and will not produce documents just for auditors unless there is a legal requirement. Most of the documentation that is required in ISO 9000 came about from hindsight – the traditional unscientific way organizations learn and how management systems evolve.
ISO 9000 contains a list of valid reasons for why documents are necessary as below:
- To communicate requirements, intentions, instructions, methods and results effectively
- To convert solved problems into recorded knowledge so as to avoid having
to solve them repeatedly
- To provide freedom for management and staff to maximize their contribution to the business
- To free the business from reliance on particular individuals for its effectiveness
- To provide legitimacy and authority for the actions and decisions needed
- To make responsibility clear and to create the conditions for self-control
- To provide co-ordination for inter-departmental action
- To provide consistency and predictability in carrying out repetitive tasks
- To provide training and reference material for new and existing staff
- To provide evidence to those concerned of your intentions and your actions
- To provide a basis for studying existing work practices and identifying
opportunities for improvement
- To demonstrate after an incident the precautions which were taken or which should have been taken to prevent it or minimize its occurrence
If only one of these reasons make sense in a particular situation, the
information should be documented. In some organizations, they take the
view that it is important to nurture freedom, creativity and initiative and
therefore feel that documenting procedures is counterproductive. Their view is thatdocumented procedures hold back improvement, forcing staff to follow routines without thinking and prevent innovation. While it is true that blindly enforcing procedures that reflect out-of-date practices coupled with bureaucratic change mechanisms is counter productive, it is equally shortsighted to ignore past experience, ignore decisions based on valid evidence and encourage staff to reinvent what were perfectly acceptable methods.
Question by all means, encourage staff to challenge decisions of the past, but
encourage them to put forward a case for change. That way it will cause
them to study the old methods, select the good bits and modify the parts that are no longer appropriate. It is often said that there is nothing new under the sun – just new ways of packaging the same message.

What Should Be Documented In Quality Management System?

What Should Be Documented In Quality Management System?

Clause 4.2.1 in ISO 9000 Standards requires quality management system documentation to include 5 types
of document:
(a) Quality policy and objectives
(b) Quality manual
(c) Documented procedures
(d) Documents needed to ensure the effective planning, operation and control of processes
(e) Records
Other than the requirements in clause 4 for documentation, there are 14 other references requiring documentation. These are as follows:
(a) The output of the planning
(b) The quality manual
(c) A documented procedure for document control
(d) A documented procedure for the identification, storage, retrieval, protection, retention time and disposition of records.
(e) Planning of the realization processes
(f) Inputs relating to product requirements
(g) The outputs of the design and development process
(h) Design and development changes
(i) The results of the review of changes and subsequent follow up actions
(j) A documented procedure for conducting audits that includes the responsibilities and requirements
(k) Evidence of conformity with the acceptance criteria characteristics of the product
(l) A documented procedure for nonconformity control activities
(m)A documented procedure for corrective action
(n) A documented procedure for preventive action
This list is somewhat inadequate for documentation purposes because it does not tell us what types of things we should document or provide criteria to enable us to decide what we need to document. ISO 9000 clause 2.7.2 includes a more useful list of document types that are classified as follows:
(a) Quality manuals
(b) Quality plans
(c) Specifications
(d) Guidelines
(e) Procedures, work instructions and drawings
(f) Records
This list is similar to that in clause 4.2.1 with some notable differences. The
policy and objective could form part of the quality manual and the quality plans, work instructions, guidelines, drawings and specifications could be the documents needed to ensure the effective planning, operation and control of processes.
Obviously the size, type and complexity of the organization and the competency of personnel will have an effect on the depth and breadth of the
documentation but the subject matter other than that which is product, process or customer specific is not dependent on size, type and complexity of the organization etc. There is no single method that will reveal all the things that should be documented but there are several approaches that can be used to reveal the documentation necessary.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

ISO 9001 Standards Requirements – Design and Development

ISO 9001 Standards Requirements – Design and Development

Design and Development Planning
Plan and control the product design and development. This planning must determine the:
Stages of design and development
Appropriate review, verification, and validation activities for each stage
Responsibility and authority for design and development
The interfaces between the different involved groups must be managed to ensure effective communication and the clear assignment of responsibility. Update, as appropriate, the planning output during design and development.
NOTE: Design and development review, verification, and validation have distinct purposes. They can be conducted and recorded separately or in any combination, as deemed suitable for the product and the organization.

Design and Development Inputs
Determine product requirement inputs and maintain records. The inputs must include:
Functional and performance requirements
Applicable statutory and regulatory requirements
Applicable information derived from similar designs
Requirements essential for design and development
Review these inputs for adequacy. Resolve any incomplete, ambiguous, or conflicting requirements.

Design and Development Outputs
Document the outputs of the design and development process in a form suitable for verification against the inputs to the process. The outputs must:
Meet design and development input requirements
Provide information for purchasing, production, and service
Contain or reference product acceptance criteria
Define essential characteristics for safe and proper use
Be approved before their release

Design and Development Review
Perform systematic reviews of design and development at suitable stages in accordance with planned arrangements to:
Evaluate the ability of the results to meet requirements
Identify problems and propose any necessary actions
The reviews must include representatives of the functions concerned with the stage being reviewed. Maintain the results of reviews and subsequent follow-up actions.

Design and Development Verification
Perform design and development verification in accordance with planned arrangements to ensure the output meets the design and development input requirements. Maintain the results of the verification and subsequent follow-up actions.

Design and Development Validation
Perform validation in accordance with planned arrangements to confirm the resulting product is capable of meeting the requirements for its specified application or intended use, where known. When practical, complete the validation before delivery or implementation of the product. Maintain the results of the validation and subsequent follow-up actions.

Control of Design and Development Changes
Identify design and development changes and maintain records. Review, verify, and validate (as appropriate) the changes and approve them before implementation. Evaluate the changes in terms of their effect on constituent parts and products already delivered. Maintain the results of the change review and subsequent follow-up actions.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

How To Implement ISO 9001 Standards Using Template & Softwares

There are few ways of implementing the ISO 9000 in a particular organization. One of the easy way is hiring a ISO 9000 consultant in a turn key project basis. This definitely will incur cost. However, some of the organization will appoiint an employee to start up the ISO 9000, by learning thru seminar, preparing the ISO 9000 Quality Manual, Procedure & Form by using some of the ISO 9000 Template sell at internet. Some of the provider such as http://www.iso-consults.com & http://www.quality-template.com are providing such services.
Normally, the template provide will provides the ISO 9000 Quality Manual Template, Standand Procedure & also sample form for the ISO 9000 implementation. One of the provider like http://www.e-wia.com give a very complete set of the ISO 9000 Templates, which will help an organization to implement the ISO 9000 easily.
There are also some ISO 9000 Softwares which helps the organization in the ISO 9000 implementation. Some of the ISO 9000 Software are listed below:
a. Document Control Software – Software which Helps the organization to keep track & control of the ISO 9000 Documents.
b. Audit Control Software – Software which helps the organization to keep track of internal & external audit events.
c. Training Record Management Software – Software which helps the organization to keep track of Training records in a system.
d. Calibration Software – Software to maintain the calibration records for tool & machinery.
More Sites on ISO 9001 Standards Template & Softwares are as below:

Saturday, October 3, 2009

ISO 9001 Quality Policy

ISO 9001 Quality Policy
The standard requires the quality policy to be appropriate to the purpose of the organization.
The purpose of an organization is quite simply the reason for its existence and as Peter Drucker so eloquently put it there is only one valid definition of business purpose: to create a customer”(Drucker, Peter F., 1977)2 . In ensuring that the quality policy is appropriate to the purpose of the organization, it must be appropriate to the customers the organization desires to create. It is therefore necessary to establish who the customers are, where the customers are, what they buy or wish to receive and what these customers regard as value. As stated above, the quality policy is the corporate policy and such policies exist to channel actions and decisions along a path that will fulfil the organization’s purpose and mission. A goal of the organization may be the attainment of ISO 9001 certification and thus a quality policy of meeting the requirements of ISO 9001 would be consistent with such a goal, but goals are not the same as purpose as indicated in the box to the right. Clearly no organization would have ISO 9001 certification as its purpose because certification is not a reason for existence – an objective maybe but not a purpose.
Policies expressed as short catchy phrases such as “to be the best” really do not channel actions and decisions. They become the focus of ridicule when the organization’s fortunes change. There has to be a clear link from mission to Quality policy.
Policies are not expressed as vague statements or emphatic statements using the words may, should or shall, but clear intentions by use of the words ‘we will’
– thus expressing a commitment or by the words ‘we are, we do, we don’t, we have’ expressing shared beliefs. Very short statements tend to become slogans which people chant but rarely understand the impact on what they do. Their virtue is that they rarely become outdated. Long statements confuse people because they contain too much for them to remember. Their virtue is that they not only define what the company stands for but how it will keep its promises.
In the ISO 9001 definition of quality policy it is suggested that the eight quality management principles be used as a basis for establishing the quality policy.
One of these principles is the Customer Focus principle. By including in the quality policy the intention to identify and satisfy the needs and expectations of customers and other interested parties and the associated strategy by which this will be achieved, this requirement would be fulfilled. The inclusion of the strategy is important because the policy should guide action and decision. Omitting the strategy may not ensure uniformity of approach and direction.
The standard requires that the quality policy include a commitment to comply with requirements and continually improve the effectiveness of the quality management system.
A commitment to comply with requirements means that the organization should undertake to meet the requirements of all interested parties. This means meeting the requirements of customer, suppliers, employees, investors, owners and society. Customer requirements are those either specified or implied by customers or determined by the organization and these are dealt with in more detail under clauses 5.2 and 7.2.1. The requirements of employees are those covered by legislation such as access, space, environmental conditions, equal opportunities and maternity leave but also the legislation appropriate to minority groups such as the disabled and any agreements made with unions or other representative bodies. Investors have rights also and these will be addressed in the investment agreements. The requirements of society are those obligations resulting from laws, statutes, regulations etc.
An organization accepts such obligations when it is incorporated as a legal entity, when it accepts orders from customers, when it recruits employees, when it chooses to trade in regulated markets and when it chooses to use or process materials that impact the environment.
The effectiveness of the management system is judged by the extent to which it fulfils its purpose. Therefore improving effectiveness means improving the capability of the management system. Changes to the management system that improve its capability i.e its ability to deliver outputs that satisfy all the interested parties, are a certain types of change and not all management system changes will accomplish this. This requirement therefore requires top management to pursue changes that bring about an improvement in performance.

Environment Policy In ISO 14001:2004

Environment Policy In ISO 14001:2004
To develop a successful and effective EMS, five key tasks that must be undertaken by management:a. Select an EMS CoordinatorThe selection of an EMS Coordinator is crucial to the success of your EMS. This person will be responsible for developing and implementing the environmental policy and the EMS. Great care must be taken to ensure that the person chosen is well qualified to handle the responsibilities associated with the EMS.b. Perform a gap analysisA gap analysis determines the differences, or gaps, between one system and another. Not only will this analysis identify the gaps, but it also should etermine the size of the gaps. These findings will lead to recommendations, project plans, and the identification of necessary resources for filling the gaps.
c. Prepare a budget, and obtain the appropriate resourcesAfter conducting a gap analysis, the EMS Coordinator will develop a budget that covers the necessary resources to complete an EMS that conforms with ISO 14001. For some organizations, this may mean establishing a budget for the entire process; other organizations may only need to update certain portions of their existing management system.
ISO 14001 Section 4.4.1 requires top management to provide the essential resources to implement, control, and manage the EMS.
d. Select an EMS TeamTop management and the EMS Coordinator may consider creating an EMS Team to assist in developing and implementing the system. This decision should be based on the size of the organization or facility that will be implementing the EMS.
This team should consist of key individuals from various divisions, departments, and operating work areas within the organization who are familiar with the facility, the various processes, and its environmental requirements. Diversity among team members will bring together a pool of expertise and ideas from which to develop and implement the EMS.
e. Develop an environmental policyThe environmental policy is an essential part of an organization’s EMS. The environmental policy must establish the overall direction of the organization in terms of its commitment to environmental responsibility. A policy should also set the foundation and framework for meeting the environmental objectives and targets for the organization.
The ISO 14001 standard establishes certain requirements that an organization’s environmental policy must meet. If your organization already has an environmental policy, review this section to ensure it meets the ISO 14001 requirements.
The first requirement is that top management must establish and define the environmental policy. Note that ISO 14001 does not specifically state that top management must write the policy, only that it be committed to the policy and ensure its implementation.
These actions are essential in constructing a firm foundation for an effective EMS.


Self-Audit Procedures
The following checklist should be used as an aid in reviewing your facility’s compliance with industry environmental and health & safety regulations and requirements.
Additional Information: This checklist is based on the current laws and regulations as of the date of publication. Regulations frequently change.
Therefore, you should review current laws and regulations for any recent changes in the requirements. Some of the items you should check include:
Additional Requirements: In addition to recent changes in the requirements, you should also consider additional Cal/OSHA standards that might apply to your facility.
These might include any of the following:
Employer postings; ergonomics; process safety management; use of asbestos, formaldehyde, or lead containing substances; blood borne
pathogens; welding operations; use of compressed air and gases; boiler operations; use of power tools, hoists and grinding equipment; spray coating; elevated platforms; aisle way, ramp, door and exit requirements; fire sprinkler requirements; and seismic requirements.
Legal Authority : The compliance requirements provided on the following pages are taken from the respective laws and regulations, as indicated in the references column. In addition to the statutory and regulatory requirements, some compliance items that reflect improved and accepted management practices have been included. These management practices have been included because of their overall industry acceptance and their potential to reduce environmental risk and improve compliance.

ISO 14001 – Specifications With Guidance for Use

ISO 14001 – Specifications with Guidance For Use
Given the number of international participants involved in the process of developing the ISO 14001 Specifications, it is amazingly brief, consisting of five pages. This includes a Scope, Definitions, and EMS requirements.
The heart of the specification is in the EMS Requirements, the principles of which are summarized below:
Principle #1 – Commitment and Policy Top management must make a commitment to the program.
Principle #2 – Planning To be successful, the program must be organized. This includes an organizational structure, open communications, both internal and external, and a mechanism for identifying issues.
Principle #3 Implementation Program must be undertaken, including training, writing process descriptions, and establishing prevention programs.
Principle #4 Measurement and Evaluation Create a mechanism for assessing performance and progress toward goals.Principle #5 Review and Improvement? ISO 14004, Section 4, Environmental Management System (EMS)
Reference: ISO 14004, Section 4, Environmental Management System (EMS) Principles and Elements.

ISO 14001 – Certification/Registration

ISO 14001 – Certification/Registration
Similar to the organized approach to problem solving contained in ISO 9000
and ISO 14000, an organized approach is necessary to achieve certification. Although the written requirements contained in ISO 14001 are straightforward and brief, the level of effort required to conform with the requirements should not be underestimated.
If an environmental review of the facility‘s operations has not been conducted, it is important to retain a qualified consultant to conduct the review. which should focus on the requirements of ISO 14000 versus programs currently in use. This activity is known as a Gap Analysis.?E After the Gap Analysis is completed, the environmental status of the operation should be known and the level of effort necessary to develop the ISO 14000 program understood.
It can easily take six months to a year to develop a program that meets EMS requirements. Staff should develop the EMS program as they will ultimately be required to manage it. If staff is inadequate to develop the program, a consultant can be retained to provide guidance to staff as the program is being developed.
But, retaining a consultant will not resolve the problem of long term program maintenance. The ultimate goal of developing the EMS is to obtain certification/registration. Aside from the internal benefits offered by the ISO 14000 series of standards, external benefits may be derived through the certification/registration process. The certification/registration process only applies to ISO 14001, and this is the only standard to which the audit process applies. For the purposes of certification/registration, all other ISO 14000 standards are considered guidance. Certification can either be by a self declaration?Eor by an independent registrar.
Obviously the use of an independent registrar would give more credibility to those looking at an organization from outside.
Registrars have individual preferences about how the requirements should be administered. A registrar should be selected early in the process to help ensure that the program being developed is consistent with the registrars preferences. When the program is fully prepared and implemented, the registrar will be notified and a formal program audit undertaken. This audit will not result in a denial of ISO 14000 certification, but it may result in either approval or a list of deficiencies that must be corrected before certification.


Establishing The Initial State of The ISO 9001 QMS For SME
The implementation of an ISO 9001 conformant system must recognize that it is but a step in a long-term development of a continually improving QMS. Unfortunately, it is often the case that ISO 9001 is taken as a means to an end, where the implementation of a QMS is not the primary objective, rather certification is. As a result, SMEs may end up with stacks of documentation waiting to be processed that adds no value, but cost.
According to the requirements of ISO 9001, an organization must develop only six documented procedures: (1) control of documents, (2) control of quality records, (3) internal audits, (4) control of non-conformities, (5) corrective action, and (6) preventative action. A quality manual and several records are also required. The development of other procedures, work instructions, and
other documents is largely at the discretion of the organization. From the very beginning of the process, it is therefore essential that SMEs establish a balanced view between a short-term focus (marketing/sales) and a long-term focus (achieving company-wide quality awareness through TQM). ISO documentation should be considered as an enabler along that way and SMEs must guard against the creation of unnecessary documentation.
However, even when such a view is adopted, many SMEs struggle to move from their initial state to a fully functional ISO 9001 QMS. Over the last several years, we have been involved in ISO 9001 implementation projects in seven different SMEs. The SMEs have ranged in size from approximately 20 employees to 500 employees. The SMEs have been drawn from a variety of sectors in Virginia, including manufacturing, distribution, and services. Based on our experience, we developed a schematic of initial states of an organization in terms of the existence and functionality of the ISO 9001 QMS . Throughout this paper, existence is equated with the documentation required by the standard while functionality is equated with an effectively operated QMS that leads to increased customer satisfaction and continuous improvement of business results.
A successful QMS must be fully functional and appropriately documented. With that in mind, there are four main states in which SMEs can be located in the beginning of the implementation process:
1. Complete Death: No documentation, no functioning.
This is the state in which there is no indication of the existence and functionality of the QMS. No documentation exists and no processes are in place to help ensure the quality of the product.
Relatively few companies will find themselves in this situation.
2. Informally Alive: No documentation, some level of functioning.
Many SMEs exhibit an organic structure characterized by an absence of standardization and the prevalence of loose and informal working relationships. SMEs operating in this state are more likely to rely on people rather than a system. In such situations, key personnel may resist documentation for two key reasons “(1) documentation is considered a waste of time and (2) documentation of processes and procedures makes the individual less dependable” [2]. SMEs in this state perform some or all of the processes required by ISO 9001 and the QMS may function fairly well. However, they are not willing and ready to document those processes unless there is a cultural change lead by top management.
3. Formally Death: Some level of documentation, no functioning.
SMEs categorized in this state have documented processes and procedures at some degree, however, the documents are generally not followed and do not necessarily reflect the actual manner in which the organization undertakes its operations and management. This situation highlights the fact that the mere existence of documentation does not necessarily lead to a functional QMS. Moreover, such a situation may help perpetuate the view that ISO 9001 is a way for SMEs to market their products and services but that implementation of the standard requires stacks of documents that offer no value.
4. Formally Alive: Some level of documentation, some level of functioning.
Each SME considered in this state, achieves a unique combination of the existence and functionality of processes and procedures that may or may not be required by ISO 9001. This situation is closest to the desired state of full functionality (100%) of the ISO 9001 QMS and full documentation (100%) of this functionality.

The Benefits To Integrate ISO 14001:2004 and ISO 9001:2008

The Benefits To Integrate ISO 14001:2004 and ISO 9001:2008
Reduce the time and cost of implementing the new specification by acquiring a concise, yet thorough understanding the scope of ISO 14001:2004 and key terms.
Avoid spinning your wheels by learning precisely which modifications and additions to ISO 14001:2004 require your attention for compliance with ISO 9001:2008.
Get a quick handle, through hands-on activities, on the environmental aspects of ISO 14001:2004, including how to:- Develop an environmental policy statement appropriate for your company- Integrate processes for identifying environmental aspects and impacts- Identify environmental objectives, set related targets, and establish programs for achieving results- Integrate environmental responsibilities and authorities into a management system- Outline an environmental awareness and training program- Establish environmental metrics and indicators for monitoring performance- Integrate requirements on non-conformance and corrective and preventive actions into your existing system- Understand the purpose and scope of the environmental management review- Integrate document control requirements of ISO 14001:2004 into your current system- Identify those operations that need to be controlled under EMS and identify emergency operations and contingencies that must be considered as part of EMS
Get off to a running start by learning to use a versatile prioritization matrix to identify and prioritize significant environmental aspects and impacts.
Optimize understanding and retention with the Plexus Learning Model- Multiple learning channels through lecture, coaching, group activities, innovative learning exercises and case studies.- Hands-on insights. Lecturing is minimized so learning is maximized.- Learn by doing. Connect the lessons learned to your real world by using your current circumstances as examples for activities.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

ISO 9001:2008 Documentation Requirements

ISO 9001:2008 Documentation Requirements
ISO 9001:2008 clause 4.1 General requirements requires an organization to “establish, document, implement, and maintain a quality management system and continually improve its effectiveness in accordance with the requirements of this International Standard”
Clause 4.2.1 General explains that the quality management system documentation shall include:
documented statements of a quality policy and quality objectives;
a quality manual documented procedures required by this International Standard documents needed by the organization to ensure the effective planning, operation and control of its processes, and records required by this International Standard;
The notes after Clause 4.2 make it clear that where the standard specifically requires a “documented procedure”, the procedure has to be established, documented, implemented and maintained. It also emphasizes that the extent of the QMS documentation may differ from one organization to another due to:
the size of organization and type of activities;
the complexity of processes and their interactions, and
the competence of personnel.
All the documents that form part of the QMS have to be controlled in accordance with clause 4.2.3 of ISO 9001:2008, or, for the particular case of records, according to clause 4.2.4.

Demonstrating conformity with ISO 9001:2008

Demonstrating conformity with ISO 9001:2008
For organizations wishing to demonstrate conformity with the requirements of ISO 9001:2008, for the purposes of certification/registration, contractual, or other reasons, it is important to remember the need to provide evidence of the effective implementation of the QMS.
Organizations may be able to demonstrate conformity without the need for extensive documentation.
To claim conformity with ISO 9001:2008, the organization has to be able to provide objective evidence of the effectiveness of its processes and its quality management system. Clause 3.8.1 of ISO 9000:2005 defines “objective
evidence” as “data supporting the existence or variety of something” and notes that “objective evidence may be obtained through observation, measurement, test, or other means.”
Objective evidence does not necessarily depend on the existence of documented procedures, records or other documents, except where specifically mentioned in ISO 9001:2008. In some cases, (for example, in clause 7.1(d)
Planning of product realization, and clause 8.2.4 Monitoring and measurement of product), it is up to the organization to determine what records are necessary in order to provide this objective evidence.
Where the organization has no specific internal procedure for a particular activity, and this is not required by the standard, (for example, clause 5.6 Management Review), it is acceptable for this activity to be conducted using as a basis the relevant clause of ISO 9001:2008. In these situations, both internal and external audits may use the text of ISO 9001:2008 for conformity assessment purposes.


Establishing The Initial State of The ISO 9001 QMS For SME
The implementation of an ISO 9001 conformant system must recognize that it is but a step in a long-term development of a continually improving QMS. Unfortunately, it is often the case that ISO 9001 is taken as a means to an end, where the implementation of a QMS is not the primary objective, rather certification is. As a result, SMEs may end up with stacks of documentation waiting to be processed that adds no value, but cost.
According to the requirements of ISO 9001, an organization must develop only six documented procedures: (1) control of documents, (2) control of quality records, (3) internal audits, (4) control of non-conformities, (5) corrective action, and (6) preventative action. A quality manual and several records are also required. The development of other procedures, work instructions, and
other documents is largely at the discretion of the organization. From the very beginning of the process, it is therefore essential that SMEs establish a balanced view between a short-term focus (marketing/sales) and a long-term focus (achieving company-wide quality awareness through TQM). ISO documentation should be considered as an enabler along that way and SMEs must guard against the creation of unnecessary documentation.
However, even when such a view is adopted, many SMEs struggle to move from their initial state to a fully functional ISO 9001 QMS. Over the last several years, we have been involved in ISO 9001 implementation projects in seven different SMEs. The SMEs have ranged in size from approximately 20 employees to 500 employees. The SMEs have been drawn from a variety of sectors in Virginia, including manufacturing, distribution, and services. Based on our experience, we developed a schematic of initial states of an organization in terms of the existence and functionality of the ISO 9001 QMS . Throughout this paper, existence is equated with the documentation required by the standard while functionality is equated with an effectively operated QMS that leads to increased customer satisfaction and continuous improvement of business results.
A successful QMS must be fully functional and appropriately documented. With that in mind, there are four main states in which SMEs can be located in the beginning of the implementation process:
1. Complete Death: No documentation, no functioning.
This is the state in which there is no indication of the existence and functionality of the QMS. No documentation exists and no processes are in place to help ensure the quality of the product.
Relatively few companies will find themselves in this situation.
2. Informally Alive: No documentation, some level of functioning.
Many SMEs exhibit an organic structure characterized by an absence of standardization and the prevalence of loose and informal working relationships. SMEs operating in this state are more likely to rely on people rather than a system. In such situations, key personnel may resist documentation for two key reasons “(1) documentation is considered a waste of time and (2) documentation of processes and procedures makes the individual less dependable” [2]. SMEs in this state perform some or all of the processes required by ISO 9001 and the QMS may function fairly well. However, they are not willing and ready to document those processes unless there is a cultural change lead by top management.
3. Formally Death: Some level of documentation, no functioning.
SMEs categorized in this state have documented processes and procedures at some degree, however, the documents are generally not followed and do not necessarily reflect the actual manner in which the organization undertakes its operations and management. This situation highlights the fact that the mere existence of documentation does not necessarily lead to a functional QMS. Moreover, such a situation may help perpetuate the view that ISO 9001 is a way for SMEs to market their products and services but that implementation of the standard requires stacks of documents that offer no value.
4. Formally Alive: Some level of documentation, some level of functioning.
Each SME considered in this state, achieves a unique combination of the existence and functionality of processes and procedures that may or may not be required by ISO 9001. This situation is closest to the desired state of full functionality (100%) of the ISO 9001 QMS and full documentation (100%) of this functionality.

Monday, September 14, 2009

ISO 9001 Standards In General

ISO 9001 Standards In General
The adoption of a quality management system should be a strategic decision of an organization. The design and implementation of an organization’s quality management system is influenced by— its business environment, changes in that environment, or risks associated with that environment,— its varying needs,— its particular objectives,— the products it provides,— the processes it employs,— its size and organizational structure.It is not the intent of this International Standard to imply uniformity in the structure of quality management systems or uniformity of documentation.The quality management system requirements specified in this International Standard are complementary to requirements for products. Information marked “NOTE” is for guidance in understanding or clarifying theassociated requirement.This International Standard can be used by internal and external parties, including certification bodies, to assess the organization’s ability to meet customer, statutory and regulatory requirements applicable to theproduct, and the organization’s own requirements.The quality management principles stated in ISO 9000 and ISO 9004 have been taken into consideration during the development of this International Standard.

ISO 9001 – Compatibility with other management systems

ISO 9001 – Compatibility with other management systems
ISO 9001 and ISO 9004 are quality management system standards which have been designed to complement each other, but can also be used independently.ISO 9001 specifies requirements for a quality management system that can be used for internal application by organizations, for certification, or for contractual purposes. It focuses on the effectiveness of the qualitymanagement system in meeting customer requirements.ISO 9004 gives guidance on a wider range of objectives of a quality management system than does ISO 9001, particularly for the continual improvement of an organizations overall performance and efficiency, as well as its effectiveness. ISO 9004 is recommended as a guide for organizations whose top management wishes to move beyond the requirements of ISO 9001, in pursuit of continual improvement of performance. However, it is not intended for certification or for contractual purposes.
During the development of this International Standard, due consideration was given to the provisions of ISO 14001:2004 to enhance the compatibility of the two standards for the benefit of the user community.This International Standard does not include requirements specific to other management systems, such as those particular to environmental management, occupational health and safety management, financial management or risk management. However, this International Standard enables an organization to align or integrate its own quality management system with related management system requirements. It is possible foran organization to adapt its existing management system(s) in order to establish a quality management system that complies with the requirements of this International Standard.

Certification In ISO 9001 Standards

Certification In ISO 9001 Standards
Certification involves an independent assessment of your quality system to confirm that it meets the requirements of ISO 9001. You will need to design, document and implement your own quality system. The system will need to cover all the requirements of the ISO 9001 standard. Many certification bodies will not conduct a formal assessment until the system has been operating for at least three months. Your quality system cannot be audited until you have generated documentary evidence to show that you are meeting the standard. To find a certification body with relevant experience in your sector and accreditation from the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS). Certification by a non-UKAS accredited body is likely to lead to credibility problems with your customers. Arrange a visit from the certification body’s auditors. UKAS prohibits auditors from acting as consultants. They will not tell you how to meet the standard but can offer advice. They will seek objective evidence that you are complying with each of the clauses of the ISO 9001 standard. The auditors will tell you of any shortcomings in your system. If you satisfy the standard, the auditors put your name forward for certification. You will be required to correct these problems within a specified timeframe. You can also be certificated if the auditors only identify a small number of ‘minor’ problems. Once you are certificated, you can display the certification body’s logo, and if the body is UKAS-accredited, the UKAS ‘tick and crown’ symbol (consult UKAS about exceptions to this rule). If the auditors identify more serious ‘major’ problems, you will be required to correct these before certification. These surveillance visits normally take place twice a year at agreed dates. All certification bodies are required to revisit registered companies to ensure they still meet the requirements of the standard. You will be given time to deal with any minor or major problems which are identified before any action is taken to withdraw your certificate.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

ISO 9001:2008 Requirements – Management Responsibility

ISO 9001:2008 Requirements - Management Responsibility
All requirements in clause 5 are the responsibility of top management.5.1 Management CommitmentProvide evidence of management commitment to develop and implement the quality management system, as well as, continually improve its effectiveness by:? Expressing the importance of meeting requirements? Establishing the quality policy and quality objectives? Conducting management reviews? Ensuring the availability of necessary resources
5.2 Customer FocusEnsure customer requirements are determined and met in order to improve customer satisfaction.5.3 Quality PolicyEnsure the quality policy is:? Appropriate to the purpose of the organization? Focused on meeting requirements and continual improvement? Used as a framework for quality objectives? Communicated and understood at appropriate levels? Reviewed for continuing suitability5.4 Planning5.4.1 Quality ObjectivesEnsure quality objectives, including those needed to meet product requirements, are established at the relevant functions and levels within the organization. Ensure quality objectives are measurable and consistent with the quality policy.5.4.2 Quality Management System PlanningEnsure that planning for the quality management system:? Meets the general requirements (4.1), as well as, quality objectives (5.4.1)? Maintains the system integrity when changes are planned and implemented5.5 Responsibility, Authority, and Communication5.5.1 Responsibility and AuthorityEnsure responsibilities and authorities are defined and communicated within the organization.
5.5.2 Management RepresentativeAppoint a member of your management who, irrespective of other duties, has the responsibility and authority to:? Ensure the needed processes are established, implemented, and maintained? Report to top management on quality management system performance? Report to top management on any need for improvement? Ensuring the promotion of awareness of customer requirementsNOTE: The responsibility of a management representative can include being the liaison with external parties on matters relating to the quality management system.5.5.3 Internal CommunicationEnsure the appropriate communication processes are established and carried out within the organization regarding the effectiveness of the system.5.6 Management Review5.6.1 GeneralReview the quality management system at planned intervals to:? Ensure a suitable, adequate, and effective system? Assess possible opportunities for improvement? Evaluate the need for any changes to the system? Consider the need for changes to the quality policy and objectivesMaintain records of the management reviews.5.6.2 Review InputInputs for management review must include information on:? Results of audits? Customer feedback? Process performance and product conformity? Status of preventive and corrective actions? Follow-up actions from earlier reviews? Changes that could affect the quality system? Recommendations for improvement
5.6.3 Review OutputOutputs from the management review must include any decisions and actions related to:? Improvement of the effectiveness of the quality management system and its processes? Improvement of product related to customer requirements? Resource needs

ISO 9001:2008 Requirements – Resource Management

ISO 9001:2008 Requirements – Resource Management
6.1 Provision of ResourcesDetermine and provide the resources necessary to:? Implement and maintain the quality management system? Continually improve the effectiveness of the system? Enhance customer satisfaction by meeting customer requirements6.2 Human Resources6.2.1 GeneralEnsure people performing work affecting conformity to product requirements are competent based on the appropriate education, training, skills, and experience.NOTE: Conformity to product requirements can be affected directly, or indirectly, by personnel performing any task within the quality management system.6.2.2 Competence, Training, and AwarenessThe organization must:? Determine the competency needs for personnel? Provide training (or take other actions) to achieve the necessary competence? Evaluate the effectiveness of the actions taken? Inform employees of the relevance and importance of their activities? Ensure they know their contribution to achieving quality objectives? Maintain education, training, skill, and experience records
6.3 InfrastructureDetermine, provide, and maintain the necessary infrastructure to achieve product conformity. Infrastructure includes, as applicable:? Buildings, workspace, and associated utilities? Process equipment (both hardware and software)? Supporting services (such as transport, communication, or information systems)6.4 Work EnvironmentDetermine and manage the work environment needed to achieve product conformity.NOTE: The term “work environment” relates to those conditions under which work is performed, including physical, environmental, and other factors such as noise, temperature, humidity, lighting, or weather.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Preparing the ISO 9001 quality manual

The ISO 9001 standards requires a quality manual to be establishedand maintained that includes the scope of the qualitymanagement system, the documented procedures or refer-ence to them and a description of the sequence andinteraction of processes included in the quality manage-ment system.
ISO 9000 defines a quality manual as a documentspecifying the quality management system of an organi-zation. It is therefore not intended that themanual be a response to the requirements ofISO 9001. As the top-level document describingthe management system it is a system descriptiondescribing how the organization is managed.Countless quality manuals produced to satisfy ISO 9000 :2008, were nomore than 20 sections that paraphrased the requirements of the standard.Such documentation adds no value. They are of no use to managers, staff orauditors. Often thought to be useful to customers, organizations would gainno more confidence from customers than would be obtained from theirregistration certificate.
This requirement responds to the System Approach Principle.A description of the management system is necessary as a means of showing how all the processes are interconnected and how they collectively deliver the business outputs. It has several uses as :a means to communicate the vision, values, mission, policies and objectives of the organization a means of showing how the system has been designed a means of showing linkages between processes a means of showing who does what an aid to training new people a tool in the analysis of potential improvements a means of demonstrating compliance with external standards and regulations
When formulating the policies, objectives and identifying the processes toachieve them, the manual provides a convenient vehicle for containing such information. If left as separate pieces of information, it may be more difficult tosee the linkages.The requirement provides the framework for the manual. Its content maytherefore include the following:1 Introduction(a) Purpose (of the manual)(b) Scope (of the manual)(c) Applicability (of the manual)(d) Definitions (of terms used in the manual)2 Business overview(a) Nature of the business/organization – its scope of activity, its productsand services(b) The organization’s interested parties (customers, employees, regulators,shareholders, suppliers, owners etc.)(c) The context diagram showing the organization relative to its externalenvironment(d) Vision, values(e) Mission3 Organization(a) Function descriptions(b) Organization chart(c) Locations with scope of activity4 Business processes(a) The system model showing the key business processes and how they areinterconnected(b) System performance indicators and method of measurement(c) Business planning process description(d) Resource management process description(e) Marketing process description(f) Product/service generation processes description(g) Sales process description(h) Order fulfilment process description5 Function matrix (Relationship of functions to processes)6 Location matrix (Relationship of locations to processes)7 Requirement deployment matrices(a) ISO 9001 compliance matrix(b) ISO 14001 compliance matrix(c) Regulation compliance matrices (FDA, Environment, Health, Safety,CAA etc.)8 Approvals (List of current product, process and system approvals)

Managing processes In ISO 9001 Standard

The ISO 9001 standards requires the organization to manage the identified processes in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001. The first stage in managing a process is to establish what it is you are trying to achieve, what requirements you need to satisfy, what goals you are aiming at; then establish how you will measure your achievements. The next stage is to define the process you will employ to deliver the results. Managing the process then involves managing all the inherent characteristics of the process in such a manner that the requirements of customers and interested parties are fulfilled by the process outcomes. This means:Managing the process inputs Managing the work Managing the physical resources Managing the financial resources Managing the human resources Managing the constraints Managing the outputs
Process management is therefore much more than managing activities and therefore when describing processes, one needs more than a flow chart of activities. The chart is a diagrammatical representation of a process but only one aspect. One can also add numerical data to the charts to indicate resources, cycle times, delays, costs etc. but the intangible factors of the human environment cannot be reduced to numerical data to add to the charts.
The notes to clause 4.1 of ISO 9001 need some explanation. It is stated that the processes needed for the management system include management activities, provision of resources, product realization and measurement. This note could cause confusion because it suggests that these are the processes that are needed for the management system. It would be unwise to use this as the model and far better to identify the processes from observing how the business operates. The term provision of resources should be Resource Management, which is thecollection of processes covering financial, human and physical resources.
Product realization is also a collection of processes such as design, production, service delivery, etc. Measurement is not a single process but a sub-process within each process. Grouping all the measurement processes together serves no useful purpose except it matches the standard – a purpose of little value in managing the organization.
The second note refers to outsourcing processes although it is difficult to imagine that management activities, product realization or measurement would be outsourced in its entirety. It is likely that market research; design, product verification, equipment calibration and other specialized services may be outsourced. While outsourcing comes under purchasing, it is correct to point out that the organization should control any outsourced processes. The supplier of the process is usually referred to as a subcontractor because they provide services to the organization’s requirements not their own. Control of subcontractors is covered by clause 7.4 but in meeting clause 7.4.3, you need to treat suppliers and subcontractors differently.

Requirement Of ISO 14001 Standards

REQUIREMENTS OF ISO 14001In order to effectively implement and benefit from an ISO 14001 EMS, it is important tohave an understanding of the standard’s requirements. A quick review of the standardshows that it is structured following the Plan, Do, Check, Improve philosophy of theTotal Quality Management movement, as follows:PLAN4.2 Policy4.3 PlanningDO4.4 Implementation and OperationCHECK4.5 Checking and Corrective ActionIMPROVE4.6 Management ReviewWithin these five elements are 17 sub-elements stating the various requirements.4.2 Policy4.3 Planning4.3.1 Environmental Aspects4.3.2 Legal and Other Requirements4.3.3 Objectives and Targets4.4.4 Environmental Management Programs4.4 Implementation and Operation4.4.1 Structure and Responsibility4.4.2 Training Awareness and Competence4.4.3 Communications4.4.4 EMS Documentation4.4.5 Document Control4.4.6 Operation Control4.4.7 Emergency Planning and Response4.5 Checking and Corrective Action4.5.1 Monitoring and Measurement4.5.2 Nonconformance, Corrective, and Preventive Action4.5.3 Records4.5.4 EMS Audit4.6 Management ReviewWithin these 17 sub-elements are all of the requirements, or “shalls”, necessary to conform to ISO 14001. There is no substitute for reading the standard in terms of recognizing the requirements. As a matter of fact, no auditor should embark on an audit without having easily available the criteria to which they are doing the audit. However,below we briefly summarize the key points of the sub-elements. This summary is not intended to be a replacement for ISO 14001, and should not be used exclusively as such during an audit.Detailed Section by Section Summary4.2 PolicyISO 14001 requires that the organization have a policy statement to drive the EMS.These tend to be short, one page or less documents, and simply affirm the commitments. There is no expectation that specific details be noted in the policy. For example, the commitment to pollution prevention can simply be stated saying, “we are committed to prevention of pollution”. The policy must be clearly endorsed by top management and be available to the public and employees. Although the availability to the public can be rather passive; i.e. “is here if they want it”, there is an expectation that the employee awareness is more proactive. Section 4.2 of ISO 14001 lists the other requirements of the policy.4.3.1 Environmental AspectsThis element requires a procedure that not only identifies the aspects and impacts, but also provides for determination of significance, and keeping the information up to date.ISO 14001 does not prescribe what aspects should be significant, or even how todetermine significance. However, it is expected the organization will develop aconsistent and verifiable process to do so.4.3.2 Legal and Other RequirementsThis is a requirement for a procedure that explains how the organization obtainsinformation regarding its legal and other requirements, and makes that informationknown to key functions. This is not the assessment or compliance audit requirement, butrather a more up front determination of requirements.4.3.3 Objectives and TargetsThere is no requirement for a procedure in this element, only that objectives and targetsbe documented. It does require that certain items be considered in developing theobjectives, such as legal requirements and prevention of pollution. It is sometimeseasiest to develop a procedure anyway for this element to be able to verify theseconsiderations were made.4.3.4 Environmental Management Programs (EMP)EMPs are the detailed plans and programs explaining how the objectives and targets willbe accomplished. These EMPs usually note responsible personnel, milestones and dates,and measurements of success. Noting monitoring and measurement parameters directlyin the EMP facilitates conforming to 4.5.1 on Monitoring and Measurement discussedbelow.4.4.1 Structure and ResponsibilityISO 14001 requires that the relevant management and accountability structure be definedin this element. This usually takes the form of an organizational chart. Also, theorganization must denote the Management Representative who is responsible to overseethe EMS and report to management on its operation.4.4.2 Training Awareness and CompetenceThe key point in this element is that personnel must receive applicable training regardingthe EMS. Specific requirements are itemized in ISO 14001, and include general,company-wide items such as knowing the policy, to more function-specific training onaspects and emergency response. An organization usually responds to this element with atraining matrix, cross-referencing to training materials and records.4.4.3 CommunicationsProcedures are required for both internal and external communications. Note that ISO14001 only requires procedures, and allows the organization to decide for itself thedegree of openness and disclosure of information. Whatever the decision in terms ofdisclosure, that decision process must be recorded.4.4.4 EMS DocumentationThis requirement is simply that the organization has documented the system in either electronic or paper form such that it addresses the elements of the standard and providesdirection to related documentation. Not all ISO 14001-required procedures need to bedocumented, as long as the system requirements can be verified.4.4.5 Document Control.Procedures are required to control documents, such as system procedures and work instructions, and to ensure that current versions are distributed and obsolete versions areremoved from the system.4.4.6 Operational ControlThis element is the one which connects the EMS with the organization as a whole. Here,the critical functions related to significant aspects and objectives and targets are identified and procedures and work instructions created to ensure proper execution of activities.Requirements for communicating applicable system requirements to contractors are also addressed.4.4.7 EmergencyPlanning and Response Although typically addressed through conventional emergency response plans, thiselement also requires that a process exist for identifying the potential emergencies, inaddition to planning and mitigating them. A linkage to the aspects analysis, where impacts are assessed, is appropriate. Emergency incidents include those that may not be regulated, but may still cause significant impact as defined by the organization.4.5.1 Monitoring and MeasurementProcedures are required describing how the organization will monitor and measure key parameters of operations. These parameters relate to the significant aspects, objectives and targets and legal and regulatory compliance. In order to properly manage the system, measurements must be taken of its performance to provide data for action. Responses to this element usually cross reference to many other specific procedures and work instructions describing measurement and equipment calibration. It is in this element thatwe find the requirement for what is commonly referred to as a compliance audit.4.5.2 Nonconformance, Corrective, and Preventive ActionThis element requires procedures for acting on Non-conformances identified in the system, including corrective and preventive action. Non-conformances may be identified through audits, monitoring and measurement, and communications. The intent is to correct thesystem flaws. Typically, Corrective Action Report (CAR) forms are the norm, noting the nonconformance, the suggested fix, and closure of the action when completed. Note that this requirement does not imply in any way that the party identifying the nonconformance must be the one to suggest the fix. Instead, it is expected that the system provide for theinformation to be routed to the most appropriate party to address the concern.4.5.3 RecordsRecords are expected to exist to serve as verification of the system operating. For example, records include audit reports and training records. Unlike controlleddocuments, records are “once and done” documents, resulting from the execution of some process or procedure. Procedures in this element are required for the maintenance of records.4.5.4 EMS AuditsISO 14001 requires that the system provide for internal audits. This procedures(s) will include methodologies, schedules, and processes to conduct the audits. Interestingly, the EMS audit will in essence, audit the audit process itself!4.6 Management ReviewThis element requires that periodically, top management will review the EMS to ensure itis operating as planned. If not, resources must be provided for corrective action. For areas where there are no problems, the expectation is that with time, management will provide for improvement programs. Usually there is no detailed procedure for thiselement, although records of agendas, attendance, and agreed upon action items aremaintained as verification.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

ISO 9000 Quality Standards

In 1987, mounting concern on global quality issues led the International Organization for Standardization, or ISO, headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, to establish a series of international quality standards. Called the ISO 9000 Series of Standards, the series is not specific to any one industry, but when used with proper industry-specific standards, helps build a strong foundation for a quality system. The idea behind ISO is to promote standardization which will facilitate the international exchange of goods and services.
Currently, ISO 9000 certification is voluntary and not required or mandated in any country. However, the European community has recently required that quality systems of many suppliers of products related to health, safety, and the environment be formally registered, by a third party, according to the ISO 9000 Series standard. This action has made adoption of the ISO standards a prerequisite for doing business in Europe. Countries in Asia, Africa, and South America are more and more considering adoption of these standards as a means to increased trade among themselves and the United States. Over 20,000 companies have been registered worldwide, and at least 52 nations are implementing the standards.
In the U.S., the ISO 9000 Series of Standards was adopted in precise format as the ANSI/ASQC Q90 series of standards. The series comprises five individual, but related, international standards on quality management and quality assurance, known as ISO 9000, 9001, 9002, 9003, and 9004. For a company's quality system to become registered in one or more of these standards involves having an accredited, independent third party conduct an audit of the company's operations against the requirements of the ISO 9000 standards. Upon successful completion of this audit, the company will receive a registration certificate that identifies its quality system as being in compliance with ISO 9000 standards.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Establishing a ISO 9001 records procedure

The standard requires records to remain legible, readily
identifiable and retrievable and that a procedure defines
the controls needed for the identification, storage,
protec- tion, retrieval, retention time and disposition of records.
Records have a life cycle. They are generated during
which time they acquire an identity and are then
assigned for storage for a prescribed period. During
use and storage they need to be protected from
inadvertent or malicious destruction and as they
may be required to support current activities or
investigations, they need to be brought out of storage
quickly. When their usefulness has lapsed, a decision is made as to whether to
retain them further or to destroy them.
Readily retrievable means that records can be obtained on demand within a
reasonable period (hours not days or weeks) Readily identifiable means that
the identity can be discerned at a glance.
Although the requirement implies a single procedure, several may be
necessary because there are several unconnected tasks to perform. A procedure
cannot in fact ensure a result. It may prescribe a course of action which if
followed may lead to the correct result, but it is the process that ensures the
result not the procedure.
The revised requirement omits several aspects covered in clause 4.16 of the
1994 version.
Collection of records is now addressed by Analysis of data (clause 8.4)
Indexing of records is a specific form of identification and is therefore
already addressed
Access is now addressed by the requirement for record retrieval
Filing is a specific form of storage and is therefore already addressed
You may only need one procedure which covers all the requirements but this
is not always practical. The provisions you make for specific records should be
included in the documentation for controlling the activity being recorded. For
example, provisions for inspection records should be included in the inspection
procedures; provisions for design review records should be included in the
design review procedure. Within such procedures you should provide the
forms (or content requirement for the records), the identification, collection/
submission provisions, the indexing and filing provisions. It may be more
practical to cover the storage, disposal and retention provisions in separate
procedures because they may not be type-dependent. Where each department
retains their own records, these provisions may vary and therefore warrant
separate procedures.
Unlike prescriptive documents, records may contain handwritten elements and
therefore it is important that the handwriting is legible. If this becomes a
problem, you either improve discipline or consider electronic data capture.
Records also become soiled in a workshop environment so may need to be
protected to remain legible. With electronically captured data, legibility is often
not a problem. However, photographs and other scanned images may not
transfer as well as the original and lose detail so care has to be taken in
selecting appropriate equipment for this task.
Whatever the records, they should carry some
identification in order that you can determine what
they are, what kind of information they record and
what they relate to. A simple way of doing this is to
give each record a reference number and a name or
title in a prominent location on the record.

1994 –2000 Differences

Previously the standard
covered retrieval in four
ways. It required:
(a) that quality records be

made available for
evaluation by the
customer or his
representative for an
agreed period, where
agreed contractually

Records can take various forms – reports contain-

ing narrative, computer data, and forms containing
data in boxes, graphs, tables, lists and many others.
Where forms are used to collect data, they should
carry a form number and name as their identifica-
tion. When completed they should carry a serial
number to give each a separate identity. Records
should also be traceable to the product or service
they represent and this can be achieved either within
the reference number or separately, provided that the
chance of mistaken identity is eliminated. The
standard does not require records to be identifiable
to the product involved but unless you do make such
provision you will not be able to access the pertinent
records or demonstrate conformance to specified

Implementing ISO 9000 Quality Management System

Implementation of ISO 9000 affects the entire organization right from the start. If pursued with total dedication, it results in ‘cultural transition’ to an atmosphere of continuous improvement.The process of implementing ISO 9000 depends on:???? The sophistication of your existing quality program,???? The size of your organization, and???? The complexity of your process.The 14 essential steps, briefly described below, are to be followed through in order to implement ISO 9000 quality management system successfully.Step 1: Top management commitmentStep 2: Establish implementation teamStep 3. Start ISO 9000 awareness programsStep 4: Provide TrainingStep 5. Conduct initial status surveyStep 6: Create a documented implementation planStep 7. Develop quality management system documentationStep 8: Document controlStep 9. ImplementationStep 10. Internal quality auditStep 11. Management reviewStep 12. Pre-assessment auditStep 13. Certification and registrationStep 14: Continual ImprovementStep 1: Top Management CommitmentThe top management (managing director or chief executive) should demonstrate a commitment and a determination to implement an ISO 9000 quality management system in the organization. Without top management commitment, no quality initiative can succeed. Top management must be convinced that registration and certification will enable the organization to demonstrate to its customers a visible commitment to quality. It should realize that a quality management system would improve overallbusiness efficiency by elimination of wasteful duplication in management system.The top management should provide evidence of its commitment to the development and implementation of the quality management system and continually improve its effectiveness by:a. Communicating to the organization the importance of meeting customer as well as statutory and regulatory requirements,b. Defining the organization’s quality policy and make this known to every employee,c. Ensuring that quality objectives are established at all levels and functions,d. Ensuring the availability of resources required for the development andimplementation of the quality management system,e. Appointing a management representative to coordinate quality management system activities, and Conducting management review.The top management should also consider actions such as:1. Leading the organization by example,2. Participating in improvement projects,3. Creating an environment that encourages the involvement of people.This type of top management commitment may be driven by:1. Direct marketplace pressure: requirements of crucial customers or parentconglomerates.2. Indirect marketplace pressure: increased quality levels and visibility among competitors.3. Growth ambitions: desire to exploit market opportunities.4. Personal belief in the value of quality as a goal and quality management systems as a means of reaching that goal.The top management should identify the goals to be achieved through the quality management system. Typical goals may be:• Be more efficient and profitable• Produce products and services that consistently meet customers’ needs andexpectations• Achieve customers satisfaction• Increase market share• Improve communications and morale in the organization• Reduce costs and liabilities• Increase confidence in the production systemStep 2. Establish Implementation TeamISO 9000 is implemented by people. The first phase of implementation calls for the commitment of top management – the CEO and perhaps a handful of other key people.The next step is to establish implementation team and appoint a ManagementRepresentative (MR) as its coordinator to plan and oversee implementation. Its members should include representatives of all functions of the organization -Marketing, Design and development, Planning, Production, Quality control, etc.In the context of the standard, the MR is the person within the Organization who acts as interface between organization management and the ISO 9000 registrar. His role is, in fact, much broader than that. The MR should also act as the organization’s “quality management system champion,” and must be a person with:
1. Total backing from the CEO,2. Genuine and passionate commitment to quality in general and the ISO 9000 qualitymanagement system in particular,3. The dignity – resulting from rank, seniority, or both – to influence managers and others of all levels and functions,4. Detailed knowledge of quality methods in general and ISO 9000 in particular.The members of the implementation team should also be trained on ISO 9000 quality management systems by a professional training organization.
Step 3. Start ISO 9000 Awareness ProgramsISO 9000 awareness programs should be conducted to communicate to theemployees the aim of the ISO 9000 quality management system; the advantage it offers to employees, customers and the organization; how it will work; and their roles and responsibilities within the system. Suppliers of materials and components should also participate in these programs.The awareness program should emphasize the benefits that the organization expects to realize through its ISO 9000 quality management system. The program should also stress the higher levels of participation and self-direction that the quality management system renders to employees. Such a focus will go far to enlist employee support and commitment.The programs could be run either by the implementation team or by experts hired to talk to different levels of employees.Step 4. Provide TrainingSince the ISO 9000 quality management system affects all the areas and all personnel in the organization, training programs should be structured for different categories of employees – senior managers, middle-level managers, supervisors and workers. The ISO 9000 implementation plan should make provision for this training. The training should cover the basic concepts of quality management systems and the standard and their overall impact on the strategic goals of the organization, the changed processes, and the likely work culture implications of the system. In addition, initial training mayalso be necessary on writing quality manuals, procedures and work instruction; auditing principles; techniques of laboratory management; calibration; testing procedures, etc.When in-house capacity to carry out such training is not available, it may be necessary to participate in external training courses run by professional training organizations.Alternatively, an external training institution could be invited to conduct in-house training courses.
Step 5. Conduct Initial Status SurveyISO 9000 does not require duplication of effort or redundant system. The goal of ISO 9000 is to create a quality management system that conforms to the standard. This does not preclude incorporating, adapting, and adding onto quality programs already in place. So the next step in the implementation process is to compare the organization’s existing quality management system, if there is one — with the requirements of thestandard (ISO 9001:2008).For this purpose, an organization flow chart showing how information actually flows (not what should be done) from order placement by the customer to delivery to this customer should be drawn up. From this over-all flow chart, a flow chart of activities in each department should be prepared.With the aid of the flow charts, a record of existing quality management system should be established. A significant number of written procedures may already be in place.Unless they are very much out of date, these documents should not be discarded.Rather, they should be incorporated into the new quality management system.Documents requiring modification or elaboration should be identified and listed. Thisexercise is some times referred to as ” gap analysis”. During these review processes,wide consultation with executives and representatives of various unions andassociations within the organization is required to enlist their active cooperation.In the review process, documents should be collected, studied and registered for further use, possibly after they have been revised. Before developing new quality management system documentation, you need to consider with which quality requirements or department you should start. The best is to select an area where processes are fairly well organized, running effectively and functioning satisfactorily.The basic approach is to determine and record how a process is currently carried out.We can do this by identifying the people involved and obtaining information from them during individual interviews. Unfortunately, it often happens that different people will give different, contradicting versions of a process. Each one may refer to oral instructions that are not accurate or clear. This is why the facts are often not described correctly the first time around, and have to be revised several times.Once it has been agreed how to describe the current process, this process has to be adapted, supplemented and implemented according to the requirements of the quality standard (ISO 9001:2008). This requires organizational arrangements, the drawing up of additional documents and possible removal of existing documentation (e.g. procedures, inspection/test plans, inspection/test instructions) and records (e.g.inspection/test reports, inspection/test certificates).In introducing a quality management system, the emphasis is on the improvement of the existing processes or the re-organization of processes.In general, the steps to follow are the following:Ascertain and establish the following:What is the present operation/process? What already exists?
Analyze the relevant sections of the quality standard – ISO 9001:2000:What is actually required? If necessary, supplement and change operational arrangements in accordance with the standard, develop documents and records, and describe operations/processes:What is the desired operation/process?Figure 1: Steps in introducing a quality management systemThe above gap analysis can be done internally, if the knowledge level is there. Or aformal pre-assessment can be obtained from any one of a large number of ISO 9000consulting, implementing, and registration firms.Step 6. Create a Documented Implementation PlanOnce the organization has obtained a clear picture of how its quality management system compares with the ISO 9001:2008 standard, all non-conformances must be addressed with a documented implementation plan. Usually, the plan calls for identifying and describing processes to make the organization’s quality management system fully in compliance with the standard.The implementation plan should be thorough and specific, detailing:???? Quality documentation to be developed???? Objective of the system???? Pertinent ISO 9001:2008 section???? Person or team responsible???? Approval required???? Training required???? Resources required???? Estimated completion dateThese elements should be organized into a detailed chart, to be reviewed andapproved. The plan should define the responsibilities of different departments and personnel and set target dates for the completion of activities. Once approved, the Management Representative should control, review and update the plan as the implementation process proceeds.Typical implementation action plan is shown in Figure 2. Use ISO 10005:1995 for guidance in quality planning
Step 7. Develop Quality Management System DocumentationDocumentation is the most common area of non-conformance among organizations wishing to implement ISO 9000 quality management systems. As one company pointed out: “When we started our implementation, we found that documentation was inadequate. Even absent, in some areas. Take calibration. Obviously it’s necessary, and obviously we do it, but it wasn’t being documented. Another area was inspection and testing. We inspect and test practically every item that leaves here, but our documentation was inadequate”.Documentation of the quality management system should include:???? Documented statements of a quality policy and quality objectives,???? A quality manual,???? Documented procedures and records required by the standard ISO 9001:2008, and???? Documents needed by the organization to ensure the effective planning, operation and control of its processes.Quality documentation is generally prepared in the three levels indicated in the box that follows. Use ISO 10013:1995 for guidance in quality documentation.
In small companies, the above levels of documentation could be presented in one manual; otherwise, separate manuals should be prepared.A list of the documents to be prepared should be drawn up and the responsibility for writing the documents should be assigned to the persons concerned in various functional departments. They should be advised to prepare the drafts within a specific time frame.Step 8: Document ControlOnce the necessary quality management system documentation has been generated, a documented system must be created to control it. Control is simply a means of managing the creation, approval, distribution, revision, storage, and disposal of the various types of documentation. Document control systems should be as simple and as easy to operate as possible — sufficient to meet ISO 9001:2008 requirements and that is all.Document control should include:???? Approval for adequacy by authorized person (s) before issue,???? Review, updating and re-approval of documents by authorized person (s),???? Identification of changes and of the revision status of documents,???? Availability of relevant versions of documents at points of use,???? Identification and control of documents of external origin,???? Assurance of legibility and identifability of documents, and???? Prevention of unintended use of obsolete documents.The principle of ISO 9000 document control is that employees should have access to the documentation and records needed to fulfil their responsibilities.Step 9. ImplementationIt is good practice to implement the quality management system being documented as the documentation is developed, although this may be more effective in larger firms. In smaller companies, the quality management system is often implemented all at once throughout the organization. Where phased implementation takes place, the effectiveness of the system in selected areas can be evaluated.It would be a good idea initially to evaluate areas where the chances of a positive evaluation are high, to maintain the confidence of both management and staff in the merits of implementing the quality management system.The implementation progress should be monitored to ensure that the qualitymanagement system is effective and conforms to the standard. These activities include internal quality audit, formal corrective action and management review.Step 10. Internal Quality AuditAs the system is being installed, its effectiveness should be checked by regular internal quality audits. Internal quality audits are conducted to verify that the installed quality management system:
???? Conform to the planned arrangements, to the requirements of the standard (ISO 9001:2008) and to the quality management system requirements established by your organization, and???? Is effectively implemented and maintained.Even after the system stabilizes and starts functioning, internal audits should be planned and performed as part of an ongoing strategy.A few staff members should be trained to carry out internal auditing. Use ISO 19011 for guidance in auditing, auditor qualification and programmes.Step 11. Management ReviewWhen the installed quality management system has been operating for three to six months, an internal audit and management review should be conducted and corrective actions implemented. The management reviews are conducted to ensure the continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of the quality management system.????The review should include assessing opportunities for improvement and the need for changes to the quality management system, including the quality policy and quality objectives.The input to management review should include information on:???? Results of audits,???? Customer feed back,???? Process performance and product conformity,???? Status of preventive and corrective actions,???? Follow-up actions from previous management reviews,???? Changes that could affect the quality management system, and???? Recommendations for improvements.Management reviews should also address the pitfalls to effective implementation, including lack of CEO commitment, failure to involve everyone in the process, and failure to monitor progress and enforce deadlines.Step 12. Pre-assessment AuditWhen system deficiencies are no longer visible, it is normally time to apply for certification. However, before doing so, a pre-assessment audit should be arranged with an independent and qualified auditor. Sometimes certification bodies provide this service for a nominal charge. The pre-assessment audit would provide a degree of confidence for formally going ahead with an application for certification.Step 13. Certification and RegistrationOnce the quality management system has been in operation for a few months and has stabilized, a formal application for certification could be made to a selected certification agency. The certification agency first carries out an audit of the documents (referred to as an “adequacy audit”). If the documents conform to the requirements of the quality standard, then on-site audit is carried out. If the certification body finds the system to be working satisfactorily, it awards the organization a certificate, generallyfor a period of three years. During this three-year period, it will carry out periodic surveillance audits to ensure that the system is continuing to operate satisfactorily.Step 14: Continual ImprovementCertification to ISO 9000 should not be an end. You should continually seek to improve the effectiveness and suitability of the quality management system through the use of:???? Quality policy???? Quality objectives???? Audit results???? Analysis of data???? Corrective and preventive actions???? Management reviewISO 9004:2008 provides a methodology for continual improvement.